Bus Stop Predicted Information
9 months ago
You may have noticed that the accuracy and reliability of the information on the electronic bus stop displays has deteriorated in recent months.
This can include:
- the display being blank
- inaccurate predictions
- missing services
- the same journey being shown more than once
- different information on each side of the display
- just the scheduled time of the bus shown, which comes off the display when that time is reached regardless of whether the bus has arrived
Providing predicted information to the bus stop displays is a partnership between local bus operators and the local councils, which has worked very well for many years. Bus operators send their tracking data and predictions to the local councils, who then install and maintain the displays and facilitate the information shown on them.
The technology behind the system was coming to the end of its life, and a new system has been procured recently by Nottingham City Council to ensure information can be provided long in to the future. Unfortunately there have been problems in the transition to the new system which is resulting in the unreliable information currently on the displays, and we understand from the Council that the new supplier is working tirelessly in an effort to resolve the situation.
The problems affecting the bus stop displays do not affect the information shown on our website and the NCTX Buses app, where the predictions come directly from NCT and do not travel through a number of third party systems to reach the bus stop displays.
NCT shares your frustration with the poor situation with the bus stop displays and continues to have several conversations each week with Nottingham City Council about resolving it and returning the information on the bus stop displays to the high levels of accuracy previously enjoyed.
Until then, we encourage you to download the free NCTX Buses app or use our website for accurate predicted information and thank you for your patience.