
NCT works in partnership with local and national organisations to deliver award winning bus services for Nottingham. 

Here you'll find details about the partners we work with and support.

Robin Hood Network


Robin Hood Network logo

The Robin Hood Network is a partnership offering easy, accessible, smart travel across a network of bus, tram and train operators.

To travel across the Robin Hood network, there is a family of Robin Hood cards and tickets, offering unlimited travel on most buses, trams and trains.

Over the past 15 years, Nottingham City Council, Nottinghamshire County Council and bus operators have invested significantly in our bus network. By collaborating and working together, the Greater Nottingham area has been able to deliver some of the United Kingdom’s best bus services. 

An Enhanced Partnership, branded as the Robin Hood Network, runs through to 2032. It sets out an ambitious, achievable and focussed programme of projects. This programme will enhance the standing of Nottingham’s bus system as one of the best in the UK. The plan and scheme will deliver a strong, balanced partnership, designed and owned by Nottingham’s bus operators and Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County Council, that will deliver bus services for, not to passengers.

Find out more here.

TravelNotts Network

TravelNotts Network

The Travel Notts Network is a partnership that brings together Nottinghamshire County Council and local bus operators in a shared commitment to deliver high quality bus travel across Nottinghamshire. We are focused on providing reliable and punctual bus services, on clean and comfortable buses, using value for money tickets and accessed via high quality bus stations and bus stops.

For more information on what you can expect from us, please read the Nottinghamshire Bus Passenger Charter. This Bus Passenger Charter covers bus services in the county of Nottinghamshire, excluding the existing Robin Hood Ticketing Area (Greater Nottingham).

Find out more here.

Leicestershire Buses 

Leicestershire Buses brings together commercial services that are provided by the main bus operators, services that receive financial support from the council as well as community and demand-responsive transport into a single brand.

It has been created by Leicestershire County Council and local bus operators working together under an Enhanced Partnership (EP) agreement that supports the National Bus Strategy for England
The aim is to make bus travel a preferred choice by providing a more attractive, efficient, reliable, affordable, easy to use and greener network for county residents and visitors.

Find out more here.