It looks like you're using Internet Explorer. This browser is unsupported as of August 17th, 2021. Please upgrade to the latest version of Microsoft Edge.
It looks like you're using an old version of Microsoft Edge. This version is unsupported as of August 17th, 2021. Please upgrade to the latest version of Microsoft Edge.
It looks like you're using a Windows Phone. This device is unsupported as of August 17th, 2021. As a result, this site may not work as expected. Where possible, please swap to an iOS or Android device.
It looks like you're using an Xbox. This browser version is unsupported as of August 17th, 2021. As a result, this site may not work as expected. Please update to the latest version of Microsoft Edge once it is available.
It looks like you're using an older version of your browser. As a result, this site may not work as expected. Please update to the latest version of your browser.
Real Time tracking is fitted to all Nottingham City Transport buses and helps you know when your bus is due to arrive. Read our guide to how it all works.