Please Offer Your Seat Badges

Please Give Up Seat Badges

In partnership with Nottingham City Council, NET trams, the Disabled Employee Support Network and the Disability Involvement Group, we've launched "Please Offer Me a Seat" badges.

The badges have been created to help improve awareness of hidden disabilities and aims to encourage public transport users to offer their seats to people who may need it more than they do. Many disabled public transport users have experienced difficulties using priority seats, which can be because they're afraid to ask someone to move due to previous poor responses or because their disability isn't visible. 

With the introduction of these badges, disabled people can gain confidence on using public transport through knowing that other users are more than happy to move for them.

There are two types of badge:

  • Please offer me a seat - for people who would benefit from someone offering their seat
  • Happy to move for you - for people who are happy to be asked to move from their seat

These free badges are available from the NCT Travel Centre in the Old Market Square.