Service Change from 3rd September 2023
1 year ago
We regularly review our network, taking into account customer and driver feedback and are making changes to several services from Sunday 3rd September 2023.
New PDF timetables can be viewed below, with full stop-by-stop timetables available in the NCTX Buses app and at by selecting the day you are travelling after 3rd September 2023.
Printed timetable leaflets will be available from regular outlets from late August.
The key changes include:
- Additional stops on the Green Line "City Loop" to improve access around the City Centre and a closer stop to the new Broad Marsh Bus Station and Library
- Sky Blue 45 extended to serve the new Chase Farm development in Gedling
- Orange 34 re-routed in the City Centre to serve the back of the Arena, providing better access to the new student accommodation on the east of the City
- Bus stop changes in the City Centre for Navy, Green and Orange Lines and Red 50
- Red 44/A re-routed in Gedling to terminate in the turning circle on Wollaton Avenue and use Arnold Lane Shelford Road both ways rather than Besecar Avenue towards City
- Revised timetables on our Navy 49 and Lime Line services to reflect post-pandemic demand
South Notts 1
At Broadmarsh, buses will use the previous stop, coded C2, on Canal Street.
The timetables are unchanged.
Navy 3, 3A
At Broadmarsh, buses will use the previous stop, coded C2, on Canal Street.
The timetables are unchanged.
Navy 4, N4
This service resumes on Monday 18th September 2023 for the new academic year.
At Broadmarsh, buses will use the previous stop, coded C2, on Canal Street.
Revised evening timetable, but core frequencies remain unchanged.
Green 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Stop changes in the City Centre to provide improved connections.
There’s an extra stop on Parliament Street at the Elite (between King Street and Queen Street). At Broadmarsh, buses leaving the City will stop closer to the new Bus Station and Library on Canal Street (stop C3) instead of at the bottom of Maid Marian Way.
The timetables are unchanged.
Lilac 24, 25
On Mondays to Fridays, Lilac 24 from City at 14:07 will now operate as a Lilac 25 through to Mapperley and Arnold, arriving at 14:53. An additional journey from Arnold at 14:59 to City will be introduced.
Revised Sunday daytime timetable between Carlton Square and Arnold, to improve reliability.
Pathfinder 26, 26A
Following changes to the school day, the 15:10 from Carlton-le-Willows Academy is withdrawn.
Alternative journeys are provided by Pathfinder 26 from Linden Grove at 14:38 and 15:08.
Orange 34, 34C, N34
The term time service resumes on Sunday 17th September 2023 for the new academic year.
Revised route in the City Centre, with buses now serving the full length of Canal Street, Bellar Gate and Cranbrook Street to provide access to the back of the Arena and new student accommodation on the east of the city.
At Broadmarsh, buses will use the next stop along, coded C4. At Elite, buses will use the previous stop, coded E1, so that all buses to QMC depart from the same stop.
Minor timetable changes on all days, but core frequencies remain unchanged.
Red 44, 44A
In Gedling, buses will now terminate in the turning circle on Wollaton Avenue (currently used by Sky Blue 45). Buses from Gedling will use Shelford Road and Arnold Lane to City, rather than Besecar Avenue. New bus stops will be introduced on Shelford Road for buses towards City.
Minor timetable changes towards City, with most journeys departing Gedling a minute earlier.
Sky Blue 45
Sky Blue 45 is extended to serve the new Chase Farm development at Gedling.
Buses will serve the full length of Shelford Road (no longer serving Wollaton Avenue) and terminate on Waldrom Road near Harviston Avenue. New bus stops will be introduced on Shelford Road to replace the Wollaton Avenue stop.
A revised timetable is introduced on all days, with Saturday daytime buses increased to run every 10 minutes.
Navy 49, 49A, 49B, 49X
Revised timetable on all days, with buses running generally every 20 minutes. On Saturday evenings, two buses will operate to the City from the Boots Site.
At Elite, buses will use the previous stop, coded E1.
Red 50
At Broadmarsh, buses will use the stop at the bottom of Maid Marian Way near the Arndale Car Park instead of the current stop on Canal Street (coded C4). The existing stop outside Nottingham College will still be served.
At Elite, buses will use the previous stop, coded E1.
The timetable is unchanged.
Grey 53, 54
In Arnold Town Centre, buses towards Front Street will additionally serve the bus stop on Croft Road. On Arnold Front Street, buses will move to the next stop along (nearer ASDA).
The timetable is unchanged.
Lime 56, 57, 57X
Revised timetable on all days. Lime 57/X now provide a limited number of journeys on weekdays only at school times.
Lime 58
Revised timetable on all days, but core frequencies remain unchanged.
In Arnold Town Centre, buses towards Killisick will additionally serve the bus stop on Croft Road.
Lime 59
Revised timetable on all days, but core frequencies remain unchanged.
Turquoise 79, 79A
In Arnold Town Centre, buses towards Front Street will no longer stop on Croft Road. On Arnold Front Street, Turquoise 79/A buses will use the second stop (currently used by Purple 87).
The timetable is unchanged.
Purple 87
Minor timetable changes on buses from Arnold towards City, but core frequencies remain unchanged.
On Arnold Front Street, buses will use the first stop (currently used by Turquoise 79).
Purple 88
Minor timetable changes, but core frequencies remain unchanged.
Purple 89
Minor timetable changes on buses from Rise Park towards City, but core frequencies remain unchanged.
School Service A2
Revised morning timetable, with all buses timed to arrive at the schools at the same time.